Software aTV Flash (black) update v2.2 includes support for Apple TVs on 5.2: what features/plugins work and what doesn’t? umOuch • February 18, 2013
Software Hacks How to jailbreak Apple TV 2 5.2 (iOS 6.1) using Seas0nPass (untethered; Mac & Windows) tomek • February 13, 2013
Software Hacks FireCore working on updating Seas0nPass to support Apple TV 2 5.2 (iOS 6.1) jailbreak tomek • February 7, 2013
Software Hacks Sn0wbreeze 2.9.8 released with support for untethered iOS 6.x jailbreak on Apple TV 2 (confirmed) tomek • February 5, 2013
Software Hacks How to jailbreak Apple TV 2 5.0.1 (iOS 5.1.1) with Seas0nPass (tethered) tomek • May 14, 2012
XBMC XBMC 11.0 Eden for Apple TV 2 5.0 (iOS 5.1) released (+how to install tutorial) umOuch • April 2, 2012
Software Hacks How to jailbreak Apple TV 4.4.4 using Seas0nPass – untethered (tutorial) tomek • January 3, 2012