Jailbreaks How to jailbreak Apple TV 2 5.2.1 (iOS 6.1.3) using Seas0nPass (tethered; Mac & Windows) tomek • April 8, 2013
Software Hacks FireCore working on updating Seas0nPass to support Apple TV 2 5.2 (iOS 6.1) jailbreak tomek • February 7, 2013
Software Hacks Sn0wbreeze 2.9.8 released with support for untethered iOS 6.x jailbreak on Apple TV 2 (confirmed) tomek • February 5, 2013
Jailbreaks Evasi0n iOS 6.x untethered jailbreak for Apple TV 2 released (updated) tomek • February 4, 2013
Software Apple TV’s increased popularity is creating ecosystem of tools and apps tomek • November 5, 2012
Software Air Show photo editing app for iOS and Apple TV updated with music playlists and color captions support tomek • October 10, 2012
Software Hacks News on the Apple TV 3 jailbreak out of JailbreakCon 2012 (updated) Jason • October 4, 2012
Software Apple TV software update 5.1 (iOS 6) released for Apple TV 2 and Apple TV 3 tomek • September 24, 2012