It is a well known fact that Apple integrated some form of Bluetooth in its Apple TV 2 and its Apple TV 3. For those of you who have jailbroken your Apple TV, you may have already played around with this functionality using some of the tools in nitoTV or other Apple TV hacks. Well, it is now Apples turn. As of the latest beta builds, being released for these little black boxes, 9to5Mac revealed that there have been reports of Bluetooth functionality being enabled, by Apple! So, what could this mean? What is Apples plan? Is this a “game” changer? Needless to say, officially enabling Bluetooth is a fairly BIG DEAL either way.
An Apple TV 2, or Apple TV 3, that has native Bluetooth functionality could potentially open the door to a world of options for Apple and its consumers alike. As of now, reports are that the bluetooth is for input only. This means that there has, as of yet, been no luck connecting to bluetooth speakers, any wireless mouse, or even a Mac. That said, there are wide spread reports of connecting to Bluetooth keyboards. Not just connecting but having full control of your navigation. Keyboard arrows navigating the menu. The ENTER button working to select items, and the ESC button acting as your MENU key.
Now, this is all well and good, but remember: this is a BETA test. With all the talk we have heard, and had, around the idea of Apple opening its iOS market to the Apple TV device, the entrance of devices like the OUYA (Android gaming and Media Center Box), and Apples growing desire to get into your living room, it is not to difficult to imagine the benefits and possibilities Bluetooth could offer:
- Keyboard Controls
- Mouse integration
- Gaming remotes
- Advanced Apple Remotes w/ built in microphones for SIRI integration
- Bluetooth surround sound
The options are, quite possibly endless. So, for now, we will sit back and wait. First, we let them get this working full fledged into the firmware. Second, we wait for the great devs out there to jailbreak it. Third, we reap all the benefits!
[Source: 9to5Mac]
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