After iH8sn0w, the developer behind Sn0wBreeze, announced that he had discovered an iBoot exploit that makes A5(X) devices jailbreakable for life, there was a confusion whether it could be used to jailbreak the Apple TV 3 or not. The clarification came from MuscleNerd (who was, by the way, the first to predict that Apple TV 3 will be “a tough cookie to crack”):
To clear up the ATV3G confusion: the iBoot bug doesn't apply (a jailbreak is needed to actually trigger it). Don't go out and buy any!
— MuscleNerd (@MuscleNerd) February 2, 2014
MuscleNerd explained that Apple TV 3 “pretty much needs either a bootrom exploit, or for App development to all of a sudden open for on it” and added that “neither are likely”.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ for the latest updates on Apple TV 3 jailbreak status.
More on Apple TV 3 jailbreak:
- There is still hope for Apple TV 3 jailbreak to become a reality
- State of the Apple TV 3 Jailbreak
- Apple TV 3 jailbreak to be released soon? Fake!
- News on the Apple TV 3 jailbreak out of JailbreakCon 2012 (updated)
- Confirmed: Apple TV 3 jailbreak is in the works (updated)
- Apple TV 3 jailbreak status update: work is ongoing
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