Have you ever wished you could stream The Big Bang Theory, Two and Half Men, or anything from HBO on your Apple TV, all without the bank-busting necessity of paying for it by the episode? Now you can… if you live in Germany. Last week Apple added Vivendi‘s new subscription video service Watchever in Germany. The service is best described as a German version of Netflix that holds both German and American content, including content from HBO, CBS, ABC and BBC. For a fixed price of 8.99 euros per month, users get unlimited access to thousands of films from US, European and German productions without additional costs or commercials.
Though many of you may think that there isn’t much to say here, we think it’s an interesting move from Apple, because this is the first time Apple adds region-specific, non-US video service on Apple TV. It could mean there is more to come soon: more services and more countries. It’s also interesting from the point of view of Apple’s strategy for the next Apple TV (set-top box or standalone TV set).
We are all still waiting on Apple to make its big announcement regarding television. The fact is, Apple is being down-right HUSH-HUSH about it all. One could argue, and it might as well be me, that Apple is sitting back placing content deals all over the world so that when there offering launches it is not a US-only-device. Everything Apple does is global. They do not sell a product unless they can get in every market possible. Well, a television service that is only based on content out of the United States would be lacking on the international stage. On the other hand, a television service with international content deals – that would be interesting.
Image: Christian Krämer
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