Air Show, an iOS app that lets users preview, select and edit images on their iPhone/iPad screen while simultaneously displaying the more polished view on an HDTV screen via Apple TV, has been recently updated to support iPhone 5 and iOS 6. Air Show now also lets you add color captions and soundtrack to your real-time photo presentation.
Air Show is simple to use and fast. It lets users do basic crop, zoom, rotate and highlight with a laser pointer — all literally in a couple of seconds as users are showing off images in real time for an audience. With Air Show, Apple TV owners can share their iPhone/iPad photos on an HDTV screen while using the handheld as an on-the-fly preview, slideshow builder and editing tool.
Unlike photo collage apps that can’t display content outside of the device, or slide-builder apps that require sitting down and building a presentation first, Air Show is about on-the-fly previewing and tweaking of images on the small screen of the iPhone or iPad while the audience enjoys the show on the big screen.
Air Show is free and available in the App Store. There will be some add-on features and online storage for additional image playlists that will cost extra for heavy users, but the free version is great for most casual users.
Check out the review of Air Show HD on What’s On iPhone.
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