The last thing to pop up between you and that awesome presentation you’ve been working on for months, should be the inability to find the local WiFi password at the correct time. However, that seems to happen frequently enough as to warranted a response from Apple. One of the new iOS 8 features which Apple failed to mention during the WWDC keynote is the new peer-to-peer connection for AirPlaying to Apple TV.
Till now, you needed to connect both your Apple TV and your iPhone or iPad to the same WiFi network to AirPlay content, but now is Apple is changing the way AirPlay works in iOS 8 by adding peer-to-peer, the same protocol which it used in AirDrop to share files.
Though Apple din’t brag about it in the WWDC, this new addition is featured in the Enterprise section of the iOS 8 microsite of the website.
Peer-to-peer AirPlay discovery and playback.
With iOS 8, you can wirelessly connect iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to Apple TV without first connecting to the organization’s network. Which means you can present or share your work even if you’re offline or the organization has a complex network.
So now you can just hang around your Apple TV and it will automatically show up on your AirPlay menu without the need of any setup – it just works out of the box.
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