If you turn on your Apple TV right now, you’ll see that the above icon has been squeezed into your home-screen. Yeah that’s right, Red Bull TV is now showing over Apple TV.
Couple of days back, Apple inserted this channel from the famous energy-drink makers by an over-the-air update. It is reported to be a world-wide release but some users (from Israel) are telling otherwise. It is an automatic addition and doesn’t need a software update. So if you don’t have the channel by now, your region is probably not supported.
The Red Bull TV channel is very much similar to their iOS app featuring hardcore action content categorized into Sports, Music and Global Series. Both on-demand and live content from Red Bull can be streamed with a click now.

Cupertino has been busy lately with a lot of channel launches including Bloomberg, Watch ABC, Crackle, Disney channels, VEVO, PBS, Sky News, Watch ESPN, HBO GO and more. And with this new addition, Apple now has over 30 channels on their set-top box, stampeding on your 1080p screen. I share the concern of most users that searching for the content you love has become very complex recently. Though users can hide unwanted icons from the Settings, we really need some better organisation of our content, here.
It is unlikely that Apple hasn’t noticed it already and aren’t looking for a fix. According to the recent rumors, the next Apple TV will come with a brand new iOS-based firmware and would be backward compatible. It is highly likely that the new user interface will be revolutionary and make things as simple as it could get – the Apple trademark.
Stick around here at Apple TV Hacks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) for more coverage on the new Apple TV.
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