The runaway holiday train continues to pick up steam over here so in keeping with all the crazy momentum and while we’re continuing to offer our Top Picks pix to keep you abreast of the ripe Apple Goodies ready for picking, we’re also offering a healthy sampling of X-Mas fare for you and the Family. Here’s this week’s servings.
- Holiday Pick of the Week– 2003’s, “Love Actually”, from Director Richard Curtis with…well…just about every British thespian working this side of a Harry Potter film (and all of the attractive ones), sprinkled with a peppery amount of Yankees (Billy Bob Thornton shows up in the strangest places) to provide the funny accents. An absolutely delicious, delectable spread of a romance smorgasbord with a little something for everybody. You and that special someone just can’t go wrong with this cozy, cuddly couch warmer on the way to your XXX-Mas delight!
Buy “Love Actually” on DVD from Amazon.
- And on the other side of the feel-good fence, this week NF has 2013’s, “The Iceman”, from Director Ariel Vromen. With Winona Ryder, Chris Evans, Ray Liotta and the intense, intimidating and wildly talented Michael Shannon as the frightening family man whose business is killing people…and business is good.
Buy “The Iceman” on DVD from Amazon.
- Somewhere in the middle of those extremes NF has 2011’s, “My Week with Marilyn”, from Director Simon Curtis with Eddie Redmayne as a starstruck wanna-be on the babysitting assignment of a lifetime and featuring Michelle Williams in a luminous performance as the troubled, fragile, All-American Sex Goddess stumbling through a chilly England. With Kenneth Branagh, Dominic Cooper and Emma Watson as added eye and ear candy, this character study is worth the time if only for novelty effect.

Buy “My Week with Marilyn” on DVD from Amazon.
- Twisted Holiday Pick of the Week– Stow away the kiddies because that low budget schlock classic from 1984, “Silent Night, Deadly Night”, is here to slash the hell out of your X-mas fun leaving blood all over those stockings that were hung with such care. Director Charles Sellier Jr. gives you a vicious, vengeful Santa with an axe (and a lip-smacking amount of nubile nudity)- It may not get better but it would be almost impossible to get any worse. Enjoy the yuletide mayhem!

Buy “Silent Night, Deadly Night” on DVD from Amazon.
- And if you’re ready for some real down home music to share around the fireplace then check the raucous 2006 documentary, “Homemade Hillbilly Jam”, from Director Rick Minnich. Yea, I don’t want to live there either but man…..YEEEEHAAAW! And that’s about all there is to say about this rabble rouser of a music fest that will get you up and jumpin’ and searching for a washboard!

Buy “Homemade Hillbilly Jam” on DVD from Amazon.
- Ready to cool your buzz? Then check 2008’s, “Sleepwalking”, from Director Bill Maher (not that one). With the heavenly Charlize Theron, Nick Stahl and the late, great Dennis Hopper in a harsh, slow cooking drama about the sins of the past and price of the future.

Buy “Sleepwalking” on DVD from Amazon.
- Holiday Pick of the Week– Gather the entire family for Writer/Director Jon Favreau’s delightfully daffy and fabulously fun 2003 Christmas tale about a natural born, “Elf” , who tries his gosh darndest to find his way against dicey odds in big, bad NYC. Will Ferrel brings the passion (and the gut-busting laughs) to his economy-sized bumpkin and the whole cast really gives their all in this exceptionally entertaining and inventive Holiday original. With James Caan (yes, that scary guy), Zooey Deschanel, Mary Steenburgen and Peter Dinklage along for the ride. The excellenct cast also includes comic heavyweights, Faizon Love and Amy Sedaris and features comic legend Bob Newhart so we all just got lucky. Finally a holiday movie that absolutely everyone can enjoy!

- Fanboys and girls gather around because it’s here. 2013’s, “The Wolverine (Extended)”, has finally arrived and Hugh Jackman unsheathes the adamantium claws once again in this thrilling prequel to the X-Men series. Wolverine fans will savor this look at a vital part of his history as Logan travels to Japan and finds a whole lot more than he was looking for. Director James Mangold does a top-notch job in this solid actioner with some wild fights that finally do everybody’s fave X-Man proud. “Extended” means Extras!

Buy “The Wolverine (Extended)” on DVD from Amazon.
- In the face of true tragedy we can all remember and rejoice in the life one of the best guys to ever appear in action pics with 2013’s, “Fast and Furious 6” , from Director Justin Lin. Yes, our heavy hearts know Paul Walker has left us but let’s celebrate his labor and fidelity to the F&F series by watching the blue-eyed golden boy light up the screen once again with his unique blend of charisma, character, humility and dashing derring-do. Thanks Paul!
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