If you’re spending the weekend indoors then you just know that TV is going to get cranked up and cooking so why not allow us to suggest a few choice selections to make your couch time just a little bit more interesting. Here’s this week’s winners!
- In the mood for an offbeat, off balance, non-sexual romance/comedy with ScarJo (that’s Scarlett Johansen you know and whatever you do don’t miss the opening minutes) as the object of Bill Murray’s adult adoration. Well, Academy Award Winning Director Sofia Coppola’s 2003, “Lost in Translation”, is here with its seductive lack of narrative and whimsically loopy approach to an organic story of platonic love between two endearingly disconnected characters desperately seeking connection. The film flows like fine wine (as do the laughs) and just keeps getting better with age.
- Speaking of laughs, how about a blast from the past? 1985’s criminally underrated comedy classic, “Clue: The Movie”, is available and we do recommend if you’re looking for some belly laughs. A stellar cast including Martin Mull, the late, great Eileen Brennan, Tim Curry and that incomparable comedy vixen of our dreams Madeline Kahn, all show up to sling the jokes and keep the yuks rolling so that you laugh ‘till it hurts. Fun for everyone of all ages.
- And if you’re ready for some action and satisfaction then check the indie fave and cult shoot-em-up, 1999’s, “The Boondock Saints” with Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flannery as the titled brothers seeking justice with Fed Willem Dafoe as the nasty, scenery chewing Bad Guy in their way. All this film promises is action, action and more action and it delivers for all of its 1 hour and 48 minutes of funky fun. Don’t blame us if you end up watching it again and again but make sure you have plenty to drink on hand for your friends when you all do.
- If you haven’t seen it yet then do yourself a favor and settle into one of the finest adult comedies that you will ever find, 1967’s, “The Graduate”. Introducing in his film debut a young actor named Dustin Hoffman and starring a stunningly lovely Katherine Ross, this twisted tale of post-college, about-to-enter-the-real-world angst broke the mold and still has us spitting our beer through our noses whenever we watch. And then there is Anne Bancroft as the legendary temptress/she-devil from all of our virgin fantasies/fears…God bless you please Mrs. Robinson!
- And here’s another ahead-of-its-time trendsetter, Director/Star Rob Reiner’s 1984 mockumentary, “This is Spinal Tap”. One of the first films of its kind to twist the tit of the Rock Gods with its wickedly mocking, spot-on killer overkill. Don’t think too much, just turn it up to “11” and laugh your Rock Lovin’ asses off!
- One for the Kids– A somewhat overlooked animated fantasy that nevertheless was nominated for an Academy Award, 2009’s “The Secret of Kells” is available for the wonderment for your entire family. Brilliant animation and a truly enthralling story based on an Irish classic myth. A healthy treat for your shorties and a visual feast for all.
- No, we didn’t see it in the theater either but Director Baz Luhrmann’s 2013, “The Great Gatsby” is available this week so, like us, maybe you might want to give it a shot. We’re not sure why Hollywood keeps trying to film the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel of lost love and decadent youth but it seems like they’re determined to try it every 20 years or so until they get it right. We don’t think that’s ever going to happen but this time Leo DiCaprio plays the title Hero with Tobey Maguire as our innocent narrator and Carey Mulligan as Daisy. And once again Baz is swinging for the fences so good for him.
- And if you ladies are not yet fully satisfied then 2004’s timeless tearjerker, “The Notebook” is also here with Ryan Gosling as the Love-of-her-Life, the Dee-luscious Rachel McAdams as the Love-of-His and just make sure you keep plenty of hankies nearby because you are going to need ’em.
- So let’s hang with Baby Goose and check 2013’s Director Derek Cianfrance’s somber crime thriller, “The Place Beyond the Pines”, for some more of that Gosling magic. This time Baby Goose is a B-Boy headed for trouble with his Lady Love Eva Mendes along for the ride. Bradley Cooper also displays his acting muscles in this decades spanning story of crime and corruption that has the testosterone pumping.
- Track of the Week– “Applause” by Lady Gaga. For the Little Monster in all of us!
That’s all for this week so save us a seat and we’ll bring the beer!
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