Exhausted after a long day in the sun? Beaten down by the sweltering heat and humidity? Had enough of the beach and ready for some life restoring A/C along with some well-deserved couch time? Then build your favorite sandwich, pop that microwave corn, pour a refreshing beverage, man your viewing stations and fire up that screen because we’ve got hours of chillaxing entertainment for your sun-scorched eyes and tired, aching muscles. Let’s get right to this Week’s Top Choices for the movie services available on the Apple TV.
- And let’s start off with some network TV! If you haven’t already indulged then Netflix has got the first 4 seasons of NBC’s sleeper hit, “Parks and Recreation” waiting for your viewing pleasure. Featuring Amy Poelher, Adam Scott, Nick Offerman, Aziz Ansari and the de-luscious Aubrey Plaza this crazy sitcom minefield will have you holding your sides and clicking for more. Enjoy!
- Feeling a bit more steely-eyed and hungry for some true crime drama set in the Land Down Under? Then check 2009’s “In Her Skin”, a harrowing drama from Australia based on a true story and brought to frightening life by Guy Pearce and Sam Neil. Dark, deadly and shocking.
- How about a crime flick that features Robert DeNiro, Edward Norton and none other than Marlon Brando himself? Yep, you’ve probably forgotten all about this combo but Netflix has brought back 2001’s “The Score” featuring three generations of the finest in American actors. An imperfect caper flick that sunk at the box office, it nevertheless may be just the most lightweight heist movie you’ll ever enjoy with the most heavyweight of casts.
- Alternative Movie Pick of the Week– 1999’s offbeat “superhero” comedy, “Mystery Men”. This one will definitely tweak your funnybone and features William Macy, Eddie Izzard, Hank Azaria, Jeanane Garafalo and Ben Stiller as a hilarious “Mr. Furious”. Yep…hard to believe but back in 1999 Ben Stiller was both fresh and funny! Bring the kids because this one has laughs for everyone.
- Alternative TV Pick of the Week– Feel like inappropriately laughing until it hurts? Then check out “Archer”, the animated Adam Reed created spy hit that all adult men and women everywhere have been waiting for. If you haven’t tried it then don’t delay. And Aisha Tyler…WE LOVE YOU!
- Why not start with a little summer romance and give 2002’s “40 Days and 40 Nights” a spin with the One you Love. It may not have been a big hit but with Josh Hartnet to hold the ladies interest while you groove on the seldom seen and very groovy Shannon Sossamon (one of our personal faves), this lightweight, sexy treat might be perfect for a cool summer date night.
- If you’re in need of something with a bit more of a lift then try 2003’s “Whale Rider”. A spiritually spellbinding tale from New Zealand about a young girl, Oscar Nominated Keisha Castle-Hughes, on a quest and what she finds along the way. One for the Ages and for all ages of daughters everywhere.
- Well, it is summer so why not take a look at a very different type of summer camp horror show, 2006’s rather frightening documentary “Jesus Camp”. If you’ve ever wondered what it might feel like to be trapped in the Bible Belt of these great United States then tune in and be prepared to freak out! You will definitely want to put the children to bed first.
- TV Pick of the Week– Ready to get in on? “The Ultimate Fighter” is available and Season 17 was a thrilling one. SPOILER ALERT- Yes, the fight is over and Jones crushed Sonnen like a bug but this 17th season of the UFC series was a fun one to watch. And doesn’t everybody like to see tough guys getting knocked the f**k out? We thought so too.
- Now let’s keep the comedy ball rolling with 2013’s hit “Identity Thief”. Starring Melissa McCarthy and Jason Bateman as a mismatched pair of antagonists forced into a cross country road trip, you know this one will have more than its share of giggles.
- Ready to go hardcore? Martin Scorsese’s 2006 “The Departed”, a reboot of the Hong Kong classic, is available and with Leo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg and Jack Nicholson as just a few of the Boston cops/criminals caught up in this violent, bloody potboiler you know it’s going to be worth it. And we think Marky Mark/Dingnam still gets the best shot in the end…
- Now how about we end this week with some Summer Love. The third of Director Richard Linklater’s trilogy “After Midnight” is currently in theaters now so why not revisit his first beautiful entry, 1995’s “Before Sunrise”, once again and marvel at the magic of young love in full bloom. A young Ethan Hawke woos a ravishingly lovely Julie Delpy and you are cordially invited along for the sweet ride.
- Free App of the Week– “Sing! Karaoke” by Smule. Why? Because who doesn’t like karaoke and if it’s not the best drinking game in the world then it will do until one comes along.
That’s all for now. See you next week!
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