Whether Steve Jobs was bluffing at D8 conference when he said he didn’t have any idea how to succeed in today’s television market or not, one thing is for sure now: there was no word on any new set-top box (or platform) by Apple at Jobs yesterday’s WWDC10 keynote. But here comes Jason Calacanis, Mahalo founder & CEO, bringing hope to our wounded hearts once again. He says Jobs is “an excellent liar” and he claims that Steve will be doing a new television soon, so that we can expect next Apple TV coming to our living rooms by the next Christmas. Watch the interview with Calacanis and tell us in comments whether a) you absolutely love Jason because he reminds you that there is always a HOPE, b) you think “htf does he know what’s in Jobs’ brilliant, A4-powered head?!,” or c) you are just bored to death with all these next-apple-tv rumors and you will never ever read this blog again if we mention a single rumor once again.
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