boxee published an update about its App Dev Challenge:
see you at Mezzanine! – we were able to book Mezzanine in San Francisco as the venue for the event on June 23rd. following our meetup in Webster Hall in NYC, we thought we should find a similar place in San Francisco.
how to build a boxee app – there are now two examples of boxee apps that could serve as a good starting point for building your own app. the first one is ThruYou and the second is songza. if you have any question about the API or the development process you can check out the boxee dev forum, or connect with idan on twitter.
Drobo + 4TB – our friends at Seagate are sponsoring 4TB of Barracuda drives for each of the 3 Drobos we are giving away at the event. Drobo + 4TB is my personal setup at home, connected to my Mac Mini over the network and serving all my videos, music and pictures. it is excellent!
ideas for boxee apps – want to build an app, but don’t have a specific idea? you can look at what people are asking for on getsatisfaction, search on twitter, look at services with open APIs, or just think of what you’d love to see on boxee and is not already there. fred wilson will be happy to see someone build a La Blogoteque app.
As with the previous event, there will be a new version of boxee released on the night of the event which contains updated features and content.
working on a boxee app? let us know https://bit.ly/boxeedevchallenge
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