Josh Lee is not a typical kind of guy so why should his Apple TV be like anybody else’s? Why settle for a 40GB traditional hard drive when there are solid-state drives out there that run faster, quieter and cooler?
And that was exactly what Josh did. He replaced his clunky old 40GB hard drive on his Apple TV with a new state-of-the-art Transcend 32GB SSD. All he did was taking an image of his 40gb drive, doing a little diskutil repartitioning trick and then writing the image back to the new drive. Voila – the world’s first SSD-equipped Apple TV.
So was it worth it? Josh reported that the heat coming off of the Apple TV has been reduced. However, as far as speed, it is more or less the same. He mentioned though that it might have made a difference if he got a faster version of the SSD.
Here is Josh’s original email to me:
attached are a few pics..
its the Transcend 32GB SSD model# TS32GSSD25-M
I picked it up for about 160 bucks + shipping..all i did was take an image of my 40GB drive..
then mounted it, resized the Media Partition with “diskutil resizePartition disk sizeG”
which didnt change the size of the DMG file, i suspose there is a way to compress it with hdutil.. ?
then i DD’d the image to the SSD, which took forever. it came back and said it was full not enough space..
i tried it anyway in the apple tv. then did a factory restore, (i think this recreates the partitons) and came out like you see in the pics… then it asked if i wanted to upgrade, and i did.
used the patch2stick and im up and running without all that HEAT! 🙂 lol
its basically the same process for upgrading the drive…. as far as space is concerned.. who needs so much space on the ATV anyway? i store everything on a NAS.. 🙂
Here are the photos forwarded to me:

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