By now, you probably have seen quite a bit of coverage of ATVFlash, a patchstick sold by Apple Core LLC to help ease the installation of plugins like Couch Surfer, Media Cloud, nitoTV and many others. The patchstick is sold for $59.95.
I am all for entrepreneurship. People are entitled to charge whatever they want for their work. However, I learned that the developers whose software were included on the patchstick did not grant Apple Core LLC permission to include their software on the patchstick; let alone, charge for it. I don’t think it was ever the developers’ intention to charge money for their work.
Also, I do not agree with including Apple’s copyrighted files on the patchstick to be sold. It is true that, in creating a patchstick for personal use, these copyrighted files have to be copied to the patchstick in order for it to be useful; one does not break any law by copying these files from one place to another for personal use. However, redistributing these files to others, whether it is for profit or not, is a definite violation of the copyright law.
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