Just got an email from Brandon that the plugin has been released. The file image is available here.  It is in DMG format for Macs only.
If you have already hacked your Apple TV to run the ATV Loader, which accesses Awkward TV’s plugin directory, then you can just install it from there. Just select the Skype plugin entry and install. Can’t be any easier than that.
As mentioned previously, the plugin works as a front end for Skype. So you need to already have Skype installed on your Apple TV in order for this to work.
Brandon is providing this plugin without any documentation or instructions for now. So, please proceed with caution. He should have some instructions available soon.
If you like the plugin, we highly recommend that you donate to Brandon. The guy has been doing some good work for our community and deserves some compensation.
Now, go make some calls.
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