Hear that? That’s the sound of silence (or maybe just some crickets chirping) of the Apple TV hacking scene. For now, there are no new hacks to write about.
We are anticipating some big Apple TV-related news next week from Mr. Job’s keynote at Macworld Conference and Expo ’08. We know for sure that the movie rentals feature announcement is to be expected at the keynote. And maybe, just maybe, a new line of Apple TV’s (perhaps with Blu-ray drive?) will also be announced.
I’m sure one of the first hacks that people will be asking for after the announcement will be how to get the rented movies to play past its expiration date. Personally, I don’t think this is going to happen easily knowing Apple’s track record for its DRM technology.  But we’ll just have to see.
For now, just enjoy the sound of silence. It just maybe the calm before the storm (the good kind) for Apple TV.
With great anticipation,
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