Many of you wrote to us suggesting some interesting hacks for the Apple TV. We would like to share them with you, our readers. Yes, some of them are pretty far out but who knows. Maybe we can get volunteers to work on these to make them happen.
Here is what we have so far:
- Apple TV USB-to-iPhone Hack – allowing Apple TV to read and play content stored on the iPhone (submitted by Reggie)
- Put Sling Player for Mac inside Apple TV – so you can watch your shows recorded on the Slingbox on your Apple TV (submitted by Ubermaxi)
- A reliable mount app – something that will detect volumes on your LAN automatically (submitted by UberMaxi)
- OS X full install to work with Xbox 360 HD DVD – not Apple TV software but OS X on Apple TV (submitted by Steve K.)
- Playlist for Movies/TV Shows – currently there is no playlist feature for these types of media yet; only for music. There are workarounds but better if Apple TV directly supports playlist for movies/tv shows (submitted by michel)
- Work with ATI TV Wonder 600 – this is a USB device that acts as a HD DVR for PC (submitted by Postscript)
- Windows on Apple TV – Basically running Windows via BootCamp on a full OS X installation (submitted by Mitchell O.)
Let us know what you think.
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