We have been hearing about the NFL Now channel for Apple TV since the beginning of this month and two weeks back, the NFL Now app appeared on iOS devices. “A companion channel on the Apple TV [was] expected to launch later [that] day” and we have been waiting since. Though a bit late, the NFL Channel is finally out on Apple TV.
The channel sports three tabs namely NFL Now, Series and Highlights. The first one shows you the most popular and featured football videos while Series deals with NFL’s own shows; Highlights does exactly what it sounds like.
Football fans should be excited because the 2014-2015 NFL season is starting early next month. Via the app you will be able to watch match highlights, live events, press conferences, NFL exclusive shows, contents from NFL clubs and more.
You can also subscribe to the NFL Now Plus service for 2 dollars a month to gain access to in-game highlights, NFL Films and custom streams.
However, you won’t be able to cut the cord completely, because the channel doesn’t provide live streaming of NFL matches. DirecTV has announced that Sunday Ticket won’t be available on the NFL Now service, at least for this season.
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